Bahá’ís of Canada Français

More than 4,000 attend the Toronto Regional Baha’i Conference

For a report on the Toronto Regional Conference, which took place on 10 and 11 January 2009, please see the article on the Baha’i World News Service.

To see some of the photographs taken at the conference, view our collection on Flickr.

Many of the photographs taken at the Regional Conference in Toronto highlight the enthusiasm of the youth and the diversity of participants, old and young, who gathered to celebrate recent accomplishments of the Baha’i community and consult on current challenges.

The event was part of a series of 41 conferences, taking place in more than 30 countries and on every continent, intended to give further shape to the efforts that Baha’is from all walks of life are making as acts of service — both to God and to humanity. Several of the photos show the animated response of participants to the insights shared in talks and consultations; many pledged to personally undertake acts of service during during break-out sessions at the conference.

That such a large number of conferences, so widespread across the planet, should reflect the diversity of the human family is to be expected, though that diversity is even striking from individual photos taken at each of the conferences, including the ones from Toronto.

The worldwide series of conferences also gave expression to a powerful sense of unity among the participants, in spirit and in action, and highlighted this central principle of the teachings of Baha’u’llah.

This unity of understanding and action is reflected in the reports of the conferences at