CBNS Archives Montreal Exhibition Commemorates Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb MONTREAL, QUEBEC Seminar explores the role of religion in immigration and settlement TORONTO, CANADA International Symposium explores human dignity and religious persecution PROVO, UNITED STATES “Dawn of the Light”: New bicentenary film explores search for truth and meaning BAHA'I WORLD CENTRE Design concept for the Shrine of Abdu'l-Baha unveiled BAHA'I WORLD CENTRE New publication celebrates the life and mission of the Bab Toronto, Ontario In Americas, spirit of oneness moves communities in anticipation of bicentenary VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA Baha’i studies: Aiming to apply spiritual principles to humanity’s social progress OTTAWA, ONTARIO Otto Donald Rogers (1935-2019) TORONTO, ONTARIO Baha’i prayers translated into Coast Salish language for new prayer book Duncan, British Columbia First Triangle ... 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ... Triangle Last
In Americas, spirit of oneness moves communities in anticipation of bicentenary VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA